[fpr 383] AIC of SCA



> 宇都宮大学教育学部の服部です.
> ちなみに,SASのFACTORは,AIC = chi^2 + 2tを使っていますので,同じソフトでも

SAS の proc factor と proc calis の AIC は同じですよ.

---------------  proc calis [ r6.11 ] の出力  --------------
Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Chi-square = 69.4258       df = 9       Prob>chi**2 = 0.0001
Akaike's Information Criterion. . . . . . . . . .    51.4258
Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion. . . . . . . . . . .    15.8935

---------------  proc calis [ r6.11 ] の出力  --------------
Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood

Significance tests based on 383 observations:

   Test of H0: 1 Factors are sufficient.
        vs HA: More factors are needed.

   Chi-square = 68.790   df = 9   Prob>chi**2 = 0.0001

Chi-square without Bartlett's correction = 69.425829361
Akaike's Information Criterion = 51.425829361
Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion = 15.893514459

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