湯浅@東海産業医療団中央病院歯科口腔外科です。 皆さまの頭の良さについていけずに、けっきょく、疑問は解消されないままですが・ ・・。 ぼくでは、読み越せないのですが、良い本だと聞いたので、買っただけで読んでない 本に以下のような記載がありましたので、紹介します(たまたま目次で調べました ^^;)。 Statistical Evidence A likelihood paradigm Richard Royall CHAPTER 3 Fisherian theory p62 An essential component of significance tests is a concept that did not appear in the Neyman-Pearson theory of hypothesis testing, the concept of strength of evidence. A p-value is supposed to indicate 'the strength of the evidence against the hypothesis' (Fisher, 1958, p.80), with conventional interpretations as described by Burdette and Gehan (1979, p.9): Reasonable interpretations of the results of significance tests are as follows: significance Level of Data Interpretation Less than 1 per cent Very strong evidence 途中省略 More then 5 per cent Suggestive evidence than 10 per cent against the null hypothesis 10 oer cent or more Little or no ////