fprの皆様: 前田@統計数理研究所です。公開講演会の情報です。 依頼を受けて、代理投稿致します。 98.9.16 --------------------------------------------- 前田 忠彦@統計数理研究所 maeda (at) ism.ac.jp (TEL: 03-5421-8734, FAX: 03-5421-8796) --------------------------------------------- ---------------- 公開講演会の開催 下記の通り公開講演会を開催いたしますのでご案内いたします. 立教大学社会学部 岡太 彬訓 開催日時:1998年9月21日(月) 18:10〜19:30 開催場所:立教大学7号館1階7101教室 (日本行動計量学会第26回大会の開催される建物と同じです) 講演者 : Jacqueline J. Meulman(オランダ ライデン大学) Data Theory Group, Department of Education, Leiden University 演題 :Applications of Optimal Scaling Techniques in the Analysis of Ranking, Preference and other Qualitative Data A survey project often results in observations on subjects with respect to a set of attributes, or in judgments of subjects with respect to a set of options or stimuli. The observations are usually represented in a data matrix with rows (units) and columns (variables); the traditional analysis considers subjects as the units and their attributes as the variables. In the analysis of ranking, preference, and other qualitative data, the reverse case with subjects as variables and stimuli or options as units should be put on an equal footing. The decision whether subjects should be considered units or variables is intrinsically substantive and might lead to radically different results in terms of the subsequent analysis. Within this general context, two main classes of models can be distinguished: the vector model and the ideal point model, leading to different methods, such as principal components analysis and multidimensional unfolding. Both models are sometimes subsumed under the term preference mapping, and they have an internal and an external analysis variant. The relation with multiple regression and conjoint analysis will be discussed as well. 連絡先 立教大学社会学部 岡太 彬訓 tel: 03-3985-2319(直通) fax: 03-3985-2833(学部共用) e-mail: okada (at) rikkyo.ac.jp 池袋駅からの地図,キャンパスの地図は にあります.キャンパスの地図の左側が池袋駅です.中央に ある通りが立教通りです.7号館は池袋駅から徒歩約7分です. ---------------