fprの皆様: ご案内が遅くなりましたが、イリノイ大学のハーニッシュ先生をお招きして、 下記のような特別セミナーを企画しましたので、お誘い合わせの上、ご来聴下さ い。ハーニッシュ先生は、教育測定・教育統計がご専門で、現在訪問研究員とし て、メディア教育開発センターに滞在してらっしゃいます。 演題にあるルール・スペース・モデルは、項目応答理論と認知的診断を統合し た新しい心理学的測定モデルです。 以下の案内文書はご自由に転載していただいてかまいません。 99.3.12 --------------------------------------------- 前田 忠彦@統計数理研究所 maeda (at) ism.ac.jp (TEL: 03-5421-8734, FAX: 03-5421-8796) --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999年3月 特別セミナーのお知らせ 下記の通り特別セミナーを開催致しますので是非ご参加下さい。 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* | 演者: Delwyn L. Harnisch(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) | | | | タイトル: 「Rule-Space Classification and Diagnosis: Applications in | | Mathematics Assessment.」 | | | | 日時: 1999年3月24日(水)15:30〜17:30 | | | | 場所: 統計数理研究所 特別会議室 (新館2F;下記URLの地図参照) | | http://www.ism.ac.jp/ | | | | 概要: | | The rule-space methodology is a cognitive measurement procedure for | | identifying students' mastery of mental skills. The rule space model | | identifies the information-processing skills needed to solve test items | | and determines whether these problem-solving proficiencies or attributes | | have been mastered. Its purpose is to structure and classify these | | proficiencies or attributes in order to provide information to students | | and teachers that will help them to identify problem-solving strengths | | and weaknesses. | | | | Application of the rule-space approach will be shown with the Scholastic | | Assessment Test (SAT). The cognitive attributes that represent the | | underlying knowledge and mental processing skills that the items assess | | will be illustrated. These cognitive attributes are the procedures, | | abilities, strategies, and information a student must possess to solve | | a test item. | | | | Test scores represent a measure of the complex interaction between test | | takers' cognitive skills and the content area. The rule-space model | | infers the probability of each test takers' mastery of each attribute, | | based on that test taker's pattern of correct and incorrect responses. | | The rule space process has two main parts: (a) the identification and | | coding of each test item according to the attributes believed by domain | | experts to underlie or enable successful performance on that item and | | (b) the technical diagnosis of test takers on their mastery of each of | | these attributes. | *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* 照会先: 前田 忠彦(maeda (at) ism.ac.jp) 統計数理研究所 〒106-8569 港区南麻布4-6-7 Tel 03-5421-8734(直通) Fax 03-5421-8796