fprの皆様: 前田@統計数理研究所です。暑中お見舞い申し上げます。 Shizuhiko Nishisato(西里静彦)先生の特別セミナーのお知らせ を代理投稿します。奮って御来聴下さい。 99.7.23 --------------------------------------------- 前田 忠彦@統計数理研究所 maeda (at) ism.ac.jp (TEL: 03-5421-8734, FAX: 03-5421-8796) --------------------------------------------- ========特別セミナーのお知らせ======== 昨年度の統計数理研究所の外国人客員教授のProfessor Shizuhiko Nishisatoが来 日されますので下記の講演をお願いしました。参加は自由ですので、御関心をお持ち の方は是非御参加下さい。 講 演 者:Professor Shizuhiko Nishisato (University of Toronto,OISE) タイトル:離散データと連続変量データの総合的解析:双対尺度法の観点から 日 時:1999年8月26日(木)15:00〜17:00 場 所:統計数理研究所 研修室 照 会 先:統計数理研究所 馬場康維(03-5421-8739:baba (at) ism.ac.jp) 配付資料等の準備の都合もありますので、参加御希望の方は、 上記メールに御連絡いただけると助かります。 講演要旨 Uniting a spectrum of data types under a comprehensive framework: Dual scaling perspectives Shizuhiko Nishisato(University of Toronto, OISE) As David Hand (1996) pointed out, there have been very few attempts in the statistical literature to relate statistical methods to measurement theory of data. In contrast, researchers in the social sciences have invested a great deal of time on the topic, whereby they have developed an identifiable discipline, called "scaling." The main object of scaling is to "upgrade" a level of measurement, for example, from ordinal to interval (e.g., the method of paired comparisons). Dual scaling upgrades both nominal and ordinal levels of measurement to interval measurement, through which it can tap into not only linear but nonlinear information in the variables. The current talk is devoted to the discussion on "downgrading" or "desensitizing" continuous variables first and let dual scaling upgrade them again to capture both linear and nonlinear information in the continuous variables. There are a number of problems on how to desensitize the variables and how to measure the added effects of the process on information retrieval, as compared with the traditional multivariate analysis of continuous variables. -------------------------------------- Yasumasa Baba Professor The Institute of Statistical Mathematics 4-6-7 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-8569 Phone +81-3-5421-8739 Fax +81-3-5421-8796 -------------------------------------- =======================ここまで==================