湯浅@名古屋市立城北病院歯科口腔外科です。 外部妥当性に関して、面白い文献を見つけました。 Campbellしか知らない僕には、Lynchさんがこの道で有名なことを始めて知りまし た。 Winer, Russell S. Experimentation in the 21st Century: The Importance of External Validity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Summer99, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p349, 10p Abstract: Provides information on a study which examined the importance of external validity in consumer behavior particularly in theory application (TA) research. Perspectives on validity; Recommendations; Examples to illustrate external validity; Conclusion. Lynch Jr., John G. Theory and External Validity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Summer99, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p367, 10p, 1 diagram Abstract: Provides information on a study which examined the external validity in consumer behavior through theory that people involved in marketing can take to increase their findings. Why external validity should be assessed to understand where findings do and do not apply; Reasons external validity is about generalizing across; Effects of advertising on price elasticity; Conclusion. Lynch, John G., Jr. 1982. "On the External Validity of Experiments in Consumer Research." Journal of Consumer Research 9 (December): 225-239. コメント:Researchers have developed three perspectives on external validity (Lynch 1982). One perspective is statistical generalizability, in which the main issue is whether the results from a study using a particular sampling approach can be generalized to the larger population of interest. Robustness is whether a relationship found in an experiment could be replicated with different subjects, research settings, and time intervals. Realism (or ecological validity) is whether the research study (tasks, stimuli, settings) was realistic and, therefore, the results likely to be generalizable to a more natural environment.