fpr の皆さん: 前田@統数研です。重複された方,ご容赦下さい。 下記の通りアムステルダム大学のDr. Neudeckerをお招きして,特別セミ ナーを企画しました。 内容は全然心理学ではないのですが,講演者は,Magnus & Neudecker (1988)のテキストでお馴染みの方もいらっしゃるかと思います。IMPS-2001 への参加等のため,来日されました。どうぞご参加下さい。 関連論文のコピーが必要な方は,用意してありますので前田までご一報 下さい。 ------------ Speaker: Dr. Heinz Neudecker (Faculty of Economics and Econometrics, University of Amsterdam) Date: 2001 年 8 月 6 日(月) 15:00〜17:00 Place: 統計数理研究所 研修室 (No.253B) 地下鉄日比谷線広尾駅徒歩7分 地図 http://www.ism.ac.jp/gif/mapbw.gif Title : Partitioned Matrix Haffians and Some Applications to Central Wishart Variates Abstracts: Haff(1981, 1982) considered a matrix function based on the derivatives of the elements of a square matrix function F(X) with respect to the elements of a symmetric argument matrix X, to be called the matrix Haffian and to be expressed as $\nabla F$. It is easy to relate the matrix Haffian to the differential dF. Haff presented a fundamental identity involving the matrix Haffian, which enables us to find expected values of non-trivial functions of S, a central Wishart variate. It is possible to partition S and the matrix $\nabla$ of differential operato rs compatibly and apply Haff's fundamental identity to submatrices of S or functions thereof. Various types of functions can be considered, not only standard matrix products, but also Kronecker and Hadamard matrix product. References: Haff, L.R. (1979) "An identity for the Wishart distribution with applications", Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol.9, 531-544. Haff, L.R. (1981) "Further identities for the Wishart distribution wi th applications in regression", The Canadian Journal of Statistics, Vol.9, 215-224. Haff, L.R. (1982) "Identities for the inverse Wishart distribution with computational results in linear and quadratic discrimination", Sankhya, Vol.44 Series B, 245-258. Magnus, J. R. & Neudecker, H. (1988) "Matrix Differential Calculus with Applications in Statistics and Econometrics", Wiley. ------------------ 2001.07.31 ---------------------------------------------- 前田忠彦@統計数理研究所 maeda (at) ism.ac.jp 〒106-8569(個別番号) Tel 03-5421-8734(直通) Fax 03-5421-8796(共用)