fprの皆様: 南風原@東大教育心理です。 Kolen, M.J., & Brennan, R.L. (1995). Test Equating: Methods and Practices. Springer. の著者でアイオワ大学教授の Michael J. Kolen 氏の講演会を下記の 要領で開催します。どなたでも参加できますが,参加希望の方は,事 前に南風原(haebara (at) p.u-tokyo.ac.jp)までご連絡ください。 日時: 2001年12月11日(火)午後3時〜5時 場所: 東京大学教育学部第1会議室 演題: Test Equating: Concepts and Psychometric Evaluation 講演者:Michael J. Kolen, Professor, University of Iowa 以下は,講演の要旨です。 Over the past 20 years test equating has gone from being a set of little known psychometric procedures to a central component of most major educational and psychological tests in the US. The goal of the first part of this talk is to provide a conceptual overview of equating concepts. Within this overview, I will define equating and describe its purposes, distinguish equating from other processes that produce comparable scores, describe many of the designs used to collect data for equating, and describe some of the problems that can occur when conducting equating. I will stress that successful equating involves many aspects of the testing process, including procedures used to develop tests, to administer and score tests, and to interpret scores earned on tests. The designs for equating the ACT and SAT college entrance tests will be used as examples. The goal of the second part of the talk is to describe procedures for evaluating the psychometric properties of equated scores. Using item response theory as a psychometric foundation, methods will be described that can be used to assess the equity property of equating. The methods are illustrated using examples from the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills and the ACT. ---- 南風原朝和 haebara (at) p.u-tokyo.ac.jp Tel/Fax:03-5841-3920 東京大学大学院教育学研究科 (〒113-0033 文京区本郷 7-3-1)