湯浅@東海産業医療団中央病院歯科口腔外科(^;;^)花粉症です。 行動計量学会春の合宿セミナーでは、お世話になりました。たいへん楽しい時を過ご しました。 参加者全員が、岩波新書のワークショップ(中野民夫)を読んでくれば、もっと盛り 上がったことでしょうね(^^)。 さた、最後のグループの紹介で少し話のでた、Rubin's causal modelとガイドライン の話は、以下のサイトにあります。 http://www.apa.org/journals/amp/amp548594.html Statistical Methods in Psychology Journals: Guidelines and Explanations Causality. Inferring causality from nonrandomized designs is a risky enterprise. Researchers using nonrandomized designs have an extra obligation to explain the logic behind covariates included in their designs and to alert the reader to plausible rival hypotheses that might explain their results. Even in randomized experiments, attributing causal effects to any one aspect of the treatment condition requires support from additional experimentation. It is sometimes thought that correlation does not prove causation but "causal modeling" does. Despite the admonitions of experts in this field, researchers sometimes use goodness-of-fit indices to hunt through thickets of competing models and settle on a plausible substantive explanation only in retrospect. McDonald (1997), in an analysis of a historical data set, showed the dangers of this practiceand the importance of substantive theory. Scheines, Spirites, Glymour, Meek, and Richardson (1998; discussions following) offer similar cautions from a theoretical standpoint. A generally accepted framework for formulating questions concerning the estimation of causal effects in social and biomedical science involves the use of "potential outcomes," with one outcome for each treatment condition. Although the perspective has old roots, including use by Fisher and Neyman in the context of completely randomized experiments analyzed by randomization-based inference ( Rubin, 1990b), it is typically referred to as "Rubin's causal model" or RCM ( Holland, 1986). For extensions to observational studies and other forms of inference, see Rubin (1974, 1977, 1978). This approach is now relatively standard, even for settings with instrumental variables and multistage models or simultaneous equations. 以下続く。