fprの皆様: 前田@統計数理研究所です。 同僚の企画した講演会をご紹介します。来聴歓迎します。 ------------------ここから みなさま, 講演会のお知らせです. 日 時: 2005年7月22日(金) 10:30〜12:00 場 所: 統計数理研究所 新館2階 研修室 (http://www.ism.ac.jp/access/index_j.html) 講 演 者: Claes von Hofsten (Uppsala University, Sweden) タイトル: An action approach to infant development 要 旨: In the present lecture I will focus on the prospective nature of actions and how infants acquire such control. Any system with the purpose of producing adaptive behavior has to deal with the fact that events precede the feedback signals about them. In biological systems, the delays in the control pathways may be substantial. Relying entirely on feedback is therefore non-adaptive. The only way to overcome this problem is to use prospective control, that is, to anticipate what is going to happen next and use that information to control ones behavior. Prospective control is possible because events in the world are governed by rules and regularities (e.g. natural laws, task specific rules, socially determined rules). Knowledge about those rules and regularities enables us to formulate internal predictive models and use them for guiding action. The predictive models need to be continuously updated to fit in with the ongoing stream of events. Perception provides us with such information. ****** Claes von Hofsten教授は著名な実験心理学者ですが,今回は統計のユーザとし ての立場から,ご講演いただけます.以下が簡単なプロフィールです. Claes von Hofsten is professor in Psychology. Together with Kerstin Rosander he has founded the laboratory for the study of "perception and action" well known for its pioneering studies on the development of reaching, controlled looking and postural control in infants. He has published almost 100 articles in peer review journals and edited books. Several articles in Vision Research, Experimental Brain Research, Cognition, Developmental Psychology, Developmental Science, and Journal of Experimental Psychology: Perception and Performance can be noted. ----------------------------------------------- 中野純司(統計数理研究所) nakanoj (at) ism.ac.jp ------------------ここまで ---------------------------------------------- 前田忠彦@統計数理研究所 maeda (at) ism.ac.jp 〒106-8569(個別番号) Tel 03-5421-8734(直通) Fax 03-5421-8796(共用)