fprの皆様方 ------------------ 重複ご容赦ください ------------------ 大阪大学の足立と申します.ドイツ・カールスルーエ大学経済学部 のWolfgang Gaul教授に,本メールの題名の演題で講演していただき ます.興味のある方は,自由にご参加いただけますので,ご案内申し 上げます. 日時・会場と講演要旨は以下のとおりです. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 日時: 2007年3月28日(水曜) 午後3時30分〜午後5時 場所: 大阪大学(吹田キャンパス)人間科学部 207講義室(ユメンヌホール) 大学へのアクセス http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/jp/accessmap.html 学部へのアクセス http://www.hus.osaka-u.ac.jp/access/access.html ----------------------------------------------------------------- 演題: DATA ANALYSIS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH ---------------- 演者: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaul Institute of Decision Theory and Management Science, Faculty of Economics University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany ---------------- 要旨: Data Analysis and Operations Research are two overlapping sciences as there are, e.g., many data problems in which optimization techniques from Operations Research have to be applied to detect best fitting structures (under suitable constraints) in the underlying data. On the other hand, Operations Research is often based on model formulations for which some model parameters might be unknown or even unobservable. In such cases Operations Research problems consist of a data collection and analysis part and an optimization part in which solutions dependent on model parameters (derived from available information via Data Analysis techniques) are calculated. We give typical examples for research directions where Data Analysis and Operations Research overlap and present methodology how selected problems can be tackled via a combination of techniques from both scientific areas. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 問い合わせ先 --------------------------------------------- 足立浩平 (大阪大学 人間科学研究科 行動データ科学研究分野) Eメール: adachi (at) hus.osaka-u.ac.jp ----------------------------------------------