fprのみなさま 研究会の案内です。 cgstdmという研究会のものですが、いつも新しい人が来て(それでも、人数は10 人程度の)気楽な雰囲気のゼミです。 Scienceに掲載された興味深い change blindnessの実験の発展のようです。講演の後の会食も計画しています。 予約など何も必要ありませんので、当日、ふらりとお出かけくださればありがた いです。 題目:Choice Blindness as a new tool to study self-knowledge in decision making 講演者:Petter Johansson 所属:東京大学先端科学技術研究センター渡邊克巳研究室(認知科学分 野) 日時:平成19年10月20日(土) 午後3時から 場所:東京大学駒場キャンパス2号館3階308号室 要旨:It has recently been shown that people may miss mismatches between the intended and the actual outcome of their choices and actions, a phenomenon called choice blindness (Johansson et al. 2005). In one of our experiments, the participants were shown pairs of pictures of female faces, and were instructed to choose which face in each pair they found most attractive. In addition, on some trials, immediately after their choice, they were asked to verbally describe the reasons for choosing the way they did. Unknown to the participants, on certain trials, a double-card ploy was used to covertly exchange one face for the other. On these trials, the outcome of the choice became the opposite of what they intended. Counting across all conditions of the experiment no more than a fourth of all such manipulated trials were detected. But not only were the participants blind to the manipulation of their choices, the reasons they gave for their choices differed very little between manipulated and non-manipulated trials. The ability to compare the intention and outcome of our actions is taken for granted in most models of decision making. In fields like consumer research, introspectively derived explanations for choice behavior is still assumed to be a reliable source of information regarding how decisions are formed and made. I the presentation, I will discuss how the phenomenon of choice blindness relates assumptions like these, and how the methodology can be used as a new tool to study self-knowledge in decision-making. 履歴: 1995 B.A. Philosophy and Psychology, University of Lund 1999 M.A. in Cognitive Science, University of Lund 2006 Ph.D. in Cognitive Science, University of Lund 2006- Postdoctoral Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 講演者紹介: With a background in both Psychology and Philosophy of Mind, my interests are naturally quite diverse. My current research centres on self-knowledge, how introspection relates to higher order as well as implicit processing. When we talk about ourselves, when we reason and explain our choices and actions, how much do we know and how much do we just think we know? To study these questions, one of the methodologies we have developed is called choice blindness. The basic idea is to manipulate the outcome of people's choices without them noticing, and then measure how they respond to the alterations made. The results show that not only do people seldom detect the change, they are also willing to give long and elaborate explanations for choices they in fact did not make. At the Watanabe lab we are extending these basic finding by adding implicit measures, such as eye movements and GSR, to examine how the choice blindness effect relates to unconscious processes. 繁桝算男 生命環境科学系認知行動科学 tel 03-5454-6267 fax 03-5454-6979