[fpr 3187] JLTA bibliography - final call for contributions and updates

Yo In'nami

「日本言語テスト学会 (JLTA) 言語テスティング・文献リスト・プロジェクト」

 日本言語テスト学会 (JLTA) では、以下のように、日本の言語テスティングの文献リストを作るプロジェクトを立ち上げました。以下の要領でご応募ください。たくさんのご応募をお待ちしております。

(1) 国際言語テスト学会 (ILTA) が作成する、1999年から現在までの文献リストの作成に協力します。
(2) 過去から現在までの日本の言語テスティングの文献リストを作成します。

・いつ出版されたものでもかまいません (1999年以前のものも受け付けます)。

(下記参照) までメールでご送付ください。2つのメールアドレス両方にご送付ください 

 (詳細は http://www.avis.ne.jp/~youichi/INFO.html#Anchor30391 または、以下の英語版をご覧ください)。
innami (at) mre.biglobe.ne.jp
yoinnami (at) hotmail.com

締め切り:2007年11月30日 (お早めにご応募ください)

Language Testing Bibliography Project of the Japan Language Testing
Association (JLTA)

         We would like to inform you the launch of a new JLTA initiative
called the “Language Testing Bibliography Project.” As you may know, ILTA
(International Language Testing Association) has been collecting references
of published papers “on language testing from 1999 to the present,
including works that are currently in press, for the revised ILTA Language
Testing Bibliography” (Brown, 2007). JLTA’s Language Testing Bibliography
Project members will collect the references to be sent to ILTA Language
Testing Bibliography.

         And it is hoped that the list we compile will be comprehensive and
cover published papers (in both Japanese and English) mainly related to
language testing in Japan. (We will accept the publications before 1999. The
JLTA Bibliography is to be a list of the books published to the present).
Please see all references for testing articles that you have published to Yo
In’nami (see below) by e-mail. Please use the correct format and follow the
procedures listed below.

Yo In’nami’s e-mail address (Please send your e-mail to both addresses.)
innami (at) mre.biglobe.ne.jp
yoinnami (at) hotmail.com

1. Procedure
1.1 List references to published books and articles which are formatted
according to the APA style guide (see 4. Format).

1.2 List your submissions under the category that fits each of your articles
or books . “If you are unsure what the categories cover, please refer to
the list of sub-categories in the Classification Index of the 1999
Bibliography at http://www.iltaonline.com/ILTA_pubs.htm” (Brown, 2007).

1.3 Please list the references within categories in alphabetical order.

1.4 Send them to Yo In’nami (see above). The subject line should be [JLTA
list]. Confirmation of receipt will be sent out within a week. Those who
send the reference lists must be the authors themselves, but submissions are
not restricted to JLTA members.

1.5 The JLTA will make a combined list and send it to ILTA, to Annie Brown
at <annieb (at) napo.ae> or Paul Jaquith at <paul (at) napo.ae>.

2. Deadline: November 30, 2007 (Please send the list as early as possible.)

3. Notes
3.1 ILTA Language Testing Bibliography from 1990 to 1999 can be seen at
They “aim to publish the volume in print and on-line format, and in format
suitable for importing into reference databases such as Endnote” (Brown,

3.2 All the papers in JLTA Journal will be in the list, but please send us
references with the categories under which articles you have written should
be listed.  We especially need to know the information on papers written in
Japanese. If not, we, the project members, will decide them.

3.3 Even if you have already sent your references to ILTA, please send a
copy to us because we are considering making the final JLTA list available

4. Format
Please refer to American Psychological Association (2001) for details.
There is one difference from the APA style guide: You do not need to
italicize necessary parts.
As for Japanese titles, use the Hepburn romanization system, which can be
found at http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/j/html/passport/hebon-shiki.htm

4.1 Papers
(A) In English:
Eckes, T. (2005). Examining rater effects in TestDaF writing and speaking
performance assessments: A many-facet Rasch analysis. Language Assessment
Quarterly, 2, 197-221. [Categories 1, 4, 5]

Nakamura, Y. (1998). A questionnaire on ALT’s usage of authentic English.
JLTA (Japan Language Testing Association) Journal, 1, 15-34. [Categories 1,

(B) In Japanese
[with translation of the title]:
Hirose, K. (1999). Goi test komoku no bunseki [Analysis of vocabulary test
items]. JLTA (Japan Language Testing Association) Journal, 2, 55-64.
[Category 6]

[more than six authors: Write six authors’ name + et al.]:
Kinoshita, M., Ishii, K., Ohtsu, A., Kawajiri, M., Shimatani, H., Takanashi,
Y., et al. (1998). Oral communication noryoku o jushi shita listening test:
Mondai shutsudai joken ga test seiseki ni oyobosu eikyo [Listening tests
focusing on oral communication ability: Effects of task conditions on test
scores]. JLTA (Japan Language Testing Association) Journal, 1, 1-14.

4.2 Books
(A) In English:
McNamara, T., & Roever, C. (2006). Language testing: The social dimension.
Malden, MA: Blackwell. [Category 1, 11, 13, 14, 15]

(B) In Japanese [with translation of the title]:
Ohtomo, K. (1996). Komoku oto riron nyumon. [An introduction to Item
Response Theory]. Tokyo: Taishukan. [Category 1, 9, 12]

5. Category
      1. General
      2. Testing Listening
      3. Testing Reading
      4. Testing Speaking
      5. Testing Writing
      6. Testing Language Elements
      7. Purposes for Testing
      8. Specific Purposes Testing
      9. Alternative Approaches to Assessment
      10. Principles of Test Design
      11. Factors Affecting Test Performance
      12. Rating and Rating Scales
      13. Test Reliability and Validity
      14. Washback and Impact
      15. Ethics and Standards

6. References
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the
American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC:
        American Psychological Association.
Brown, A. (2007, June 6). Reminder - ILTA bibliography. Message posted to
LTEST-L electronic mailing list, archived at

Language Testing Bibliography Project
Members: Youichi Nakamura (Tokiwa University), Rie Koizumi (Tokiwa
University), Yo In’nami (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), Yuko
Morimoto (Graduate School, University of Tsukuba)

The Japan Language Testing Association        758 Wakamiya, Chikuma-shi,
Nagano-ken, Japan ?389-0813
TEL:+81-(0)26-275-1964 FAX:+81-(0)26-275-1970
e-mail: youichi (at) avis.ne.jp          (Mr. Nakamura Youichi)   URL:

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