[fpr 3206] 行動計量シンポジウム報告


参加者はあまり多くありませんでしたが、Native Japnanese SpeakerではないBrian Junkerのために、質疑応答を含め、全て英語で行ないました。また、それにこたえてJunkerさんも全ての発表に意見を言ってくれました。





*テーマ:* 「計量心理モデルの数理統計学的吟味」 
Bayesian Item Response Theory

Brian W Junker

Item response theory (IRT) is arguably the most successful modern
psychometric model.  It is incorporated in many large scale
standardized testing programs either as a scoring method, as a quality
control/scaling tool during test development, as an equating or CAT
tool, etc., etc.  It has seen more limited but still successful use in
smaller scale settings.  Since at least the publication of Lord &
Novick's text with the famous section on IRT by Birnbaum 40 years ago,
our understanding of IRT models, and our ability to apply them in
practical testing situations, has been increasingly enhanced by the
recognition of the mathematical similarities between IRT (and latent
variable models generally) and Bayesian statistics.  Today, new, novel
applications and modifications of IRT depend critically on an
understanding Bayesian model specification and Bayesian computation,
applied in the IRT framework.  Yet, there is also evidence that
application problems are becoming so large that a Bayesian approach
may soon no longer be feasible.  What will replace Bayesian
computation for IRT and relate models in psychometrics?

In this talk I will review the history and present of applied Bayesian
statistics in IRT modeling, and speculate on some of the directions
that computation for IRT modeling may be heading.  I will illustrate
with some of my own work, and indicate some of the very significant
contributions of others to this important area.

Elimination of factor indeterminacy in time series factor analysis
Keiji Takai and Yutaka Kano (Osaka University)

Interval estimation based on normalizing transformation
--- Unmonotonizing vs monotonizing
Yukihiro Konya, Yasutaka Shimizu and Yutaka Kano (Osaka University)
In interval estimations, when a Studentized statistic follows asymptotically 
the standard normal distribution, 
approximations of the distribution of the statistic to the standard normal
is available.However, these intervals based on this normal approximation
could have large coverage error.Although we can use normalizing
transformations for decreasing coverage error of intervals, 
there is a problem in interval estimation by these transformation. 
We discuss solutions to this problem.
A Bayesian approach towards multidimensional scaling
Kensuke Okada and Kazuo Shigemasu (The University of Tokyo)

 (2)標準誤差を得られる (3)モデル選択に基づく次元数選択が可能になる、など
A Bayesian semiparametric item response models with Dirichlet process
Kei Miyazaki, Takahiiro Hoshino and Kazuo Shigemasu (The University
of Tokyo)
理論 モデルを提案する。本手法は単調非減少な任意の項目特性曲線を表現でき、また
Kazuo Shigemasu <kshige (at) bayes.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp>

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