fprの皆様 東工大の中山と申します。 下記の案内をお送りさせていただきます。 ==== The 4th COGAIN Annual Conference on Communication by Gaze Interaction COGAIN2008: Communication, Environment and Mobility Control by Gaze 2-3 September 2008 Prague, Czech Republic The 4th international COGAIN conference on eye gaze interaction has communication, environmental control and mobility control as its main themes. These three aspects together constitute the means to give people with severe motor disabilities independence in their daily lives. Eye gaze is often the most effective means of interacting with devices associated with these. Much progress has been made in developing eye tracking systems with a high degree of usability, and in developing systems for text entry using gaze. There are now new approaches to text entry and communication which offer higher input rates than have been previously possible. It is also important to consider enabling communication with mobile devices as well as conventional screen based applications, and to consider also how low cost, less accurate gaze systems can best be utilised. There are now research questions too about how to best to extend the use of gaze and enable users to interact with the local environment and to control mobility devices such as scooters and wheelchairs. A Danish person with motor neuron disease and an experienced user of gaze communication devices said recently "One of the future challenges should be to make a computer so that you can drive the wheelchair (safely!) using only an eye tracker". Gaze control has the potential to make really significant improvements to the quality of life of people with severe motor impairments. The COGAIN conferences are the major international events which focus particularly on gaze communication for people with disabilities. Now in its 4th year, COGAIN (COmmunication by GAze INteraction) is a European Union funded research Network of Excellence, which comprises 25 universities, manufacturers and end-user organizations from across the European Union together with partners from across the globe. More information about the COGAIN network can be found at www.cogain.org. The proceedings of COGAIN2005 (Copenhagen), COGAIN2006 (Turin) and COGAIN2007 (Leicester) are available from the site. Call for Papers The conference committee invites the submission of short papers particularly in the following areas, although submissions in any area related to gaze-based interaction will be considered. - Gaze and environmental control - Gaze and personal mobility control - Direct interaction with gaze aware real world objects - User experience studies - Innovations in eye tracking systems - Low cost gaze tracking systems - Attentive interfaces and inferring user intent from gaze - Text entry by means of gaze - Gaze-based interaction with virtual worlds - Gaze and creativity - Gaming using gaze as an input modality - Using gaze with other modalities including BCI Papers which deal with the use of eye gaze to study the usability of mainstream applications and websites are not normally considered for inclusion in the conference. Format of the conference and proceedings The public conference will be a two-day event as last year, the first day having themed paper sessions, and the second having user and industry presentations as well as the exhibition of systems. The paper sessions will present short papers and authors of some of these will be invited to produce full papers for a special edition of a journal. Full submission details can be found on the COGAIN website at http://www.cogain.org/cogain2008 Important Dates Submission deadline for short papers : 31/05/08 Notification of acceptance: 15/07/08 COGAIN2008 Conference/Exhibition: 2-3/09/08 Please send submissions to Howell Istance, Program Chair COGAIN2008, School of Computing, De Montfort University, Leicester UK, email: hoi (at) dmu.ac.uk