岡本@日本女子大学です。 統計学の解説書に、統計学が必要な理由が明記してあったので 以下に引用します。以前、統計学が御専門のある方から 「なぜ、統計学が必要なのか」 と問われたことがあったことを思い出しましたので。 P. J. Diggle & A. G. Chetwynd (2011) Statistics and Scientific Method: An Introduction to Students and Researchers. の p. 16 からの部分的引用です。 Fundamentally, the role of the statistical methods is to deal appropriately with unpredictable variation in experimental results. If the result of an experiment can be reproduced exactly by routine repetition, then there is no place for statistics in interpreting the experimental data. ・・・ statisticians share scientists' interest in the signal, but recognized that noise may be hard to eliminate altogether, and should be recognized in order to ensure valid scientific conclusions. ・・・ Inference is simply a technical term for the process by which statisticians analyse data in such a way that they can give an honest assessment of the precision, or degree of uncertainty, that must be attached to the conclusions. 横浜在住 岡本安晴